On the way home Jon told Sarah she will be sharing a room with his sister Zoë while she is staying with them. Sarah asked if Zoë was one of those Goth freak losers that she sees at school. First thing Sarah , Zoë and her friends are not freaks or losers they are Goths yes. Second my sister isn't a Goth any more and even she was so what. Sorry, your sister and her friends are not losers or freaks Ten minutes into the drive home witch is on the other side of town and she already getting on his nerves, hey Sarah don't say anything at all if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything. Sarah listen like I said you will be staying with my sister while you are the you will obey the rules of the house and do your part to help out. The rest of the trip was driven silence . Jon got thinking of what o do when they get home. First get the rock wish up larger room for Zoë and Sarah since the current space is some what small even for one person . Second make wish that no one other than him or Karen could use it and find go place to hide so that none could find but him. And, finally let Karen in on what you plane to do with Sarah.
on the way home
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