Annoyed that, despite his power, Sarah had nearly gotten him beat up, Jon decided to make sure she never caused him problems again. "Sarah, you don't care about Biff," Jon began, "You're totally head over heels in love with me. You're also bisexual, only slightly preferring guys (unless, of course, the guy is me; then you much prefer me), and incapable of the feeling of jealousy. You're totally open to sharing me; in fact, you think I should have as many girls as I can." Jon paused. This may make sure she was his, but it still didn't solve the issue of humiliating her like he wanted. Deciding he could do something better later, Jon temporarily took care of the issue by saying, "Even though you're in love with me, you're still mostly the same person you were. As a result, you're embarrassed to be seen with me, much less let it be known you're in love with me. At the same time, you're terrified of losing me. Therefore, when we're out in public, you ignore me (although you try to protect me if people are hurting me or making fun of me) while in private you constantly try to keep me happy in every way you can think of."
Sarah's eyes blinked rapidly as she took in this incredible change to her identity. When she opened them, the love in them convinced Jon that she was indeed his.