After they left the bedroom, Jon spotted his mom in Zoe's room.
"Mom? What are you doing in there?" he asked. She was laying on Zoe's bed, reading her book.
"It's my bedroom, Jon. Why wouldn't I be in here?"
Jon was confused, until he remembered that when he made her think she was a Goth, he also made her think that Zoe's bedroom was her bedroom. After he changed her back to normal, he forgot to say something about Zoe's room not being her bedroom. Jon better make sure this sort of thing didn't happen in the future. Forgetting to fix one little thing when returning someone to normal could create a disaster. Fortunately, this time it wasn't a big deal. But next time ...
"Mom, this is Zoe's bedroom. Yours is at the end of the hall."
"That's right. Hmm. I'm not sure what I was doing in here." She got up off of Zoe's bed, looked at it strangely, then left the room, closing Zoe's door on her way out.
"Come on, Karyn. Let's get to the mall."