Jon held the stone tight and wished...
"I wish I could get to Karyn's house without my family getting suspicious."
Good he thought. That would at least get him to Karyn without any trouble. Confidently he walked downstairs. His mom was in the living room watching tv with Zoe.
"Where are you going Jon?" she asked.
"Out for a while, I'll be back later"
"Ok" Jon's mom answered.
Interesting he thought. No trouble at all when he had the wishing stone.
Jon walked down the block over to Karyn's house. He was getting close and realized that he didn't really have a plan. What would he do? He wondered all the wishes within the wishing rules that he could use to turn Karyn's life back around.
He was getting close to Karyn's house. He could hear the faint sound of loud music coming from a house. That couldn't be Karyn's he thought knowing that Karyn never listened to loud music.
Sure enough it was. Karyn walked up the pathway to the porch. Wow, there must be a big party here tonight, he thought, but that is so not Karyn. Why would she be doing that.
Rather than knocking, he just opened the door after noticing it was slightly ajar. Jon popped his head in and saw...