Jon watched the stone glow, then blinked. Maybe he took that wish too far. Taking away Cecil's voice was one thing, but that. Where had that even come from? Jon didn't normally think up weirdly bizarre and grotesque ways to get back at people. Sure, Cecil had motivated Karyn to knock him out with that shovel, but he never told her to kill him. And ultimately, it was Karyn herself who had decided to use the shovel. She could have just punched him instead. And yeah, it was clear that Cecil was a pervert. But given his initial wish to become a young man (presumably Cecil was way older, if he had wished for that), was it any wonder that he would want to reacquire the sexual experiences of his youth? Maybe even do stuff that he hadn't the first time around? Did Cecil go too far? Perhaps. But Jon's punishment on the man didn't seem to fit the crime. If anything, it came off looking like Jon was the horrible one. What he did to that guy ... frankly, it was unforgivable.
Still shaking at the punishment he had inflicted upon Cecil, Jon made another wish. He didn't know what the man had done to Karyn and her mother, specifically, but he knew that it was probably nothing good, so he made a wish to make them no longer affected by Cecil's power over them. Sure, he had taken away Cecil's voice, but that would only mean that he couldn't continue to adjust women's minds with his power to make them unable to "say no" to him, and have them justify to themselves why they weren't rejecting him. This way, everything that happened with Cecil would still have happened, but all the women he had used his power on would "come to their senses" and realize that whatever they had done with Cecil was out-of-character for them and wouldn't do it again.
So with that wish, among other things, Karyn no longer thought she was a slut or wanted to have a three-way with her mother; Alison (Karyn's mother) no longer desired to watch her daughter have sex or get wasted drunk; Linda Masters no longer felt obligated to meet Cecil at the park again, or have the desire to wear tight clothing, or have the desire to have a bigger butt (though the wish she made to have a bigger butt was still in effect); the innkeeper woman at the front desk no longer minded her own business about what Cecil had been up to, bringing all these women to her motel; and all those women he brought there? Yeah, they returned to normal, as well.
Back at the motel room, Karyn wondered if she should tell her mother about what's been going on, either with the wishing stone, the wishing well, or both.