Before Jon could leave his room, however, he heard the doorbell ring. Grumbling to himself because he had wanted to check out his altered family, Jon went downstairs to see who had come over. As he descended the stairs, he heard a human voice making barking noises. Jon smiled as he realized that his new pet must be barking at the door. Jon came out into the entryway and was surprised to see his sister answering the door. "Odd," Jon thought, "she never helps out unless she has to." Jon quickly realized that Zoe must have become much more helpful in order to please her "god". This thought was confirmed when she turned and Jon saw that she had increased her breast size from its normal B to bigger than DD! Meanwhile, Jon's mom was on all fours at the door, completely naked except for her collar and eagerly wiggling her butt in the air. "Like a dog wagging its tail," Jon realized. "I may have to give her a tail later just for fun!" Smiling at Jon, Zoe turned back to the door and opened it to reveal...
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