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5. Karyn's Back to Normal

4. Back to the Original Reality

3. Parallel Realities?

2. How the stone works.

1. You Are What You Wish

Back to Normal?

avatar on 2009-03-25 19:08:36

589 hits, 28 views, 0 upvotes.

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When they finally opened their eyes, Karyn smiled, seeing that her body was back to normal. B-cup breasts and short reddish hair.

But where was Jon? He didn't seem to be there.

What Karyn didn't know was that in this reality, Jon wasn't at Karyn's house. He was somewhere else. Furthermore, even though she hadn't made her stupid wish in this reality, Jon still had the wishing stone. So, he probably had made a few wishes that he didn't make in the last reality.

But did those wishes change Jon in any way?

When Jon opened his eyes, he saw ...

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