"Nadine," Zoe said, running up behind her. "Are you feeling better to ..." She paused. "What are you wearing?"
Nadine looked down at her black T-shirt and jeans, which were a little too small. They were the only "normal" clothes she could find in her closet. Her new closet at Athena's house.
"I felt like wearing something different," Nadine said. Given her lack of non-Goth clothes, Nadine planned on going to the store after school and buying some new outfits, especially ones that fit.
"I'm not sure I like it. You look a lot better wearing your dresses. Maybe it's just because I'm used to seeing you that way," Zoe said.
I'm not, Nadine thought.
"Uh ... anyway, I just wanted to ask you what all that was about last night."
"All what?"
"Athena calling us all over and then asking us to leave without any explanation."
"I don't have any answers for you," Nadine lied. Inside, she cringed. She made it a point to never lie. She was doing it for a good reason, but it was still a sin. Being in this new lifestyle was slowly corrupting her. She had to get out of it as soon as possible.
Zoe shrugged. "Okay. But if you find out anything, will you tell me?"
Nadine nodded. There it was. Another lie. Maybe it didn't seem like much now, but if she didn't stop, soon she'd be performing witchcraft with the idea that it was okay, just as long as she was doing it for the right reason.