"So, it's true," Jay was finally able to say. "I thought Kyla was just pulling my leg." Then he looked over and saw Nadine and Athena. "Why are the Goths here?"
Nadine stood up in a huff. "I'm not a Goth!"
"Could've fooled me," Jay said, looking at her overall gothic appearance.
"The note made me this way," Nadine said.
"Note? What note?"
"It's a yellow sticky note," Biff said. "It changed me too. It made me like you." That last sentence made Biff feel ill again. Just the idea of being stuck as geek was horrifying to him. But actually having to live that way? Beyond horrifying. And worse yet, all of his friends didn't even remember being his friends. They all thought he was just another loser.
"Did you say yellow sticky note?" Jay asked. "Because I think I saw one ..."
They all looked at Jay immediately. "Where?" they asked in unison.
"Uh ... it was down here," Jay said, walking down the hall. Biff, Nadine and Athena followed.