Jon is a male human wearing a trinket turning him into a female six breasted sphinx. Currently he is in the living room with his sister Zoe. The trinket is also projecting an illusion he is still human.
He heads up to his room to get proper clothes unlike the one he had gathered through out the day. The moment he got to his closet all of the other clothes disappeared. Quickly putting on his own clothes he looked for the collar but it too had disappeared. The afternoon passes without much happening. Jon finds that he can switch between any set of clothes that he has worn while getting ready for bed.
The night passes.
Jon wakes up and finds a note from their mother.
"Jon. Zoe and I have has to leave. You can get yourself to school and we should be back when you get home"
While he is getting breakfast their is a knock on the door. Opening the door is Athena who enters without waiting for permission.
"Did you find a collar?" She asks.
"I did" He says "And why are you here?"
She nods and transforms into a sphinx right in front of his eyes "You have much to learn, come with me." She says before walking out.
"Wait" he says following out "What is going on?"
As he walked through the doorway he found himself in a forest with Athena waiting for him.
"Where are we?" he asks.
"You are in the sphinx forest. Just like I suspected you are a sphinx too."
"A sphinx? I am human."
She walks over to the stream "Come look"
Jon does so and his reflection looks back. Instead of his face a female face with just a hint of feline stares back. He step back to look over his body, Much like Athena his lower body is a lioness with a pair of feathered wings on her back. Unlike Athena however she has three rows of breasts.
Athena walks over "I will explain , although I was not expecting such a chest though."