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6. Unexpected Side effects

5. Probably not much better

4. Big Oopsie!

3. No, Katie!

2. Someone Else Knows...

1. You Are What You Wish

Unexpected Side effects

on 2022-03-29 00:58:51

1248 hits, 175 views, 4 upvotes.

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Sammy! What are you doing with that rock!

The three identical girls spun their head around to see a person who looked like Katie approaching them.

'What am I doing over there?"

'Wait who's that in my head!?"


In John's head, he could hear thoughts he didn't think of...
During that confusion, the person who looked like Katie took the rock easily out of his hands.

"Hey, give that back." Said three voices in identical distress.

"Not gonna happen, Katie. This is john's rock and stealing isn't good!" replied Katie's body.

"I left it out in the open, it's my fault Katie. Don't be too tough on her."

"You're too nice to Sammy, Jon!"

Much too Jon's surprise he saw himself enter the room and take the stone.

'That's me!' he thought.

"I want it though!" the Samanthas cried.

"Sorry Sammy, I would let you have it but it's very fragile and I can't let anyone just hold it." Jon's body lied to them.

"I'm going to Jon's house today, I'll be back later tonight, tell mom and dad. Ok?" commanded Katie's body.

Before the Samantha's could protest. Jon and Kate's bodies were gone.

'Shoot, they're gone.'

'Who is that?'

'It's me. Jon!'

'Jon? but then who was that?'

'I don't know'

'Well I know that I'm Katie even if we just saw someone else with my body.'

'If we want a chance to go fix this we have to go to my house and get the stone back!'

'Right, we should go now!'

'Yeah! but where do you live?'

'Oh, I live.... um...'

'You live at... a place near... a house'

'Yeah! well poop.'

Even though, the old Katie and Jon knew who they once were. They no longer had there old memories, skills, knowledge, and other mental characteristics. Even though they may not have realized, but they were pretty much three identical Samanthas who thought, acted, and talked alike. Two simply believed/knew they weren't always Samantha. The rest of the world knew Samantha as triplets who shared three minds and bodies.

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