"Your clue is... the most beautiful woman in the world."
"That's it?" Jon didn't think this game was going to end well for him. He was resigned to the fact that he was going to become a woman, just as he knew Karyn was going to become a man at some point. He just didn't think it would be this soon. And he wanted to win.
"That's it," Karyn said simply, a small smile on her lips.
"You're killing me, you know," Jon said as he stepped up to the mirror. He visualized many beautiful women and was about to settle on one when he stopped.
Jon smiled to himself and stepped through. He immediately reemerged as Karyn, without any alterations and wearing the clothes Karyn was now.
Karyn was speechless for a moment. Then she started laughing, and got up to go hug Jon.
"Jon, you're sweet," said Karyn.
"It's Karyn now," laughed Jon in Karyn's body. "Did I get it right?"
"Well yes..."
"...but no."
"I was going with Angelina Jolie. I thought you would have gotten it from my change earlier."
"Oh man, don't I at least get a point for the thought?"
"Mmm... okay. It was kind of vague to begin with.
"Woot. Okay that means its your turn to guess. Your clue is..."