The audience was surprised that the female mannequin standing on the side of the stage now sported Nancy's eyes and mouth. It was sort of freaky looking as the bald plastic head now blinked with Nancy's false eyelashes and over massacred-eyes. Also it had her bright red lipsticked mouth screaming "What happened now?!"
"I don't know!" screamed Harry's voice from below. Even stranger was that the bikini the mannequin was wearing now had Harry's eyes on the two triangles that made up the upper part of the bikini and his mouth was placed on the lower section.
Meanwhile back on the seated students' bodies, Nancy's body reached up to her face, which had the lifeless eyes and mouth of the mannequin.
Harry's face had two abstract flower designs replacing his eyes and one more flower replacing his mouth. He felt his face then crossed his arms in impatience.
From the bikini Harry's mouth yelled "Try again, you friggin' numbskull!"