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9. Goodbye Stone

8. Revenge

7. Skunked

6. Karyn makes some observations

5. Blank ID (2)

4. The Oddest Dream

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Goodbye Stone

on 2022-03-18 20:39:54

1032 hits, 128 views, 1 upvotes.

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The two of them head to the bathroom adjusting to their new bodies. The id card left on the desk behind them.

"How do girls deal with this?" Mephi asks looking into the mirror "I can't even look down without squishing them."

"Well to be fair, most girls aren't as big as you or have so many" Karen says with a small grin. "Should we go and grab the stone and see if it can reverse all of this?"

Mephi nods and the two of them start to head back to her home, the id card forgotten about.

Meanwhile back in Karen's room the id card sat on the desk waiting.

His sister picked up the ID card and seeing Mephi's stats on it started commenting.

"I don't know why she doesn't get them reduced. I image they are always getting in the way. It is almost like she has no options for reducing the size of them.
It is almost like she wants the attention she gets from the guys."

Name: Mephi Gibson
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Hair Color/Length: Brown/Long (15 inches)
Eye: Blue
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 340 lbs
Body Type: Thin
Species: Skunk
Form: Taur
Breast Size: 6x 44J (Always getting in the way) (cannot be reduced)
Attitude: Wants attention from the guys

Putting it back down she finds what she is looking for and leaves the room.

Back in Mephi's room the wishing stone fades away.

Outside the two of them are still talking.

"I was always jealous of the skunk taurs ability to heal from anything. Now I can see why they are always complaining about it " Mephi says. "I can't even get an operation to reduce them." before pausing "Did we leave the card in your room?"

Karen nods , "We better go back and get it"

They see the id card and the new additions "Why is it working again?" she asks.

Karen picks it up and before she can say anything the id card changes to his sister's stats.

"I wish she would stay out of my room" he says shaking her head.

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