Jon grabbed the next clothing item: the large t-shirt with a pair of dice printed on it. He checked for a name on the tag but found none. Not that he was expecting to, finding a name on just one of them was incredibly unlikely.
He pulled the shirt over his head, noticing how loose it hung on his body. It hung so low that it covered his crotch entirely and continued several inches farther. It would cover the high-waisted jeans. Which should help him avoid any undue embarrassment.
Whoever had owned the shirt, it was almost certainly a girl with Jon's luck, must have been either morbidly obese or very well endowed or some mixture of the two. He had to pull himself out of his thoughts. He was wasting too much time thinking. If a teacher came back now it wouldn't be so bad now. Everything visible was unisex. Still, he wanted to get home as soon as possible so he could put something on that was less embarrassing.