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7. Later that evening

6. and also fun with mom!

5. fun with dad

4. Wishes About Dad

3. Jon Gets Another Idea

2. Jon Gets an Actual Good Idea

1. You Are What You Wish

Later that evening

avatar on 2016-01-17 10:41:39

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Jon was still watching his parents outside as they walked to the car, Jones mother opened the door for his father while his father sat down in the passenger seat and then slid his legs inside (like a woman would), his mother then shut the door and got in the drivers seat. Jon watched as they pulled off from the drive, he thought about wishing to join them on their date but decided it would be better to wait and see what else had changed later.

That evening Jon was is his room in his pyjamas and laying in bed reading when he heard a noise outside. It was his parents, they had just got back from their date. Jon looked out of his bedroom window to see what was happening.

Linda was opening Rogers' door for him and Jon smiled when after Roger had climbed out; Linda scooped him up into her arms, Roger giggled while clinging to her as she carried him to the house.

Jon left his room and went out to the landing to greet them. As they entered Linda accidentally knocked Roger gently into the doorframe as she staggered through the door. "Oww!" Roger said giggling, trying to keep his voice low "You should treat a gentleman more carefully honey." He said "sorry babe" Linda said "my balance is a little off tonight. Now keep your voice down, the kids will be asleep. Well they should be" she said as she looked up and spotted Jon at the top of the stairs.

"Hi honey" Roger said "sorry if we woke you. Did you have a nice evening?" "Yes dad I did, don't worry about waking me up, I couldn't get to sleep so I thought I'd say hi." "Aw, that's sweet. Now get back to bed young man." Roger said, with that Jon headed back to his room but before he entered he heard his dad say "oh Linda! You are so bad. Let's wait until Jon's asleep."

Jon went to bed wondering what tomorrow would bring...

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