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71. Jon Gets Ready For School

70. Jon's Wish: Exploring

69. Genitalia Switch

68. Jon's turn

67. Zoe's Apology

66. Time to Go to Bed

65. Zoe gets grounded

64. Meanwhile, Zoe and Her Friends

63. Breaking the news to Mrs. Gibs

62. Roger tells Linda about Zoe

61. Linda arrives home

60. Jon's Dad Confronts Zoe, Then

59. Bittersweet

58. Jon's Dad

57. What Karyn Has Been Watching o

56. Watching TV

55. Zoe Was Watching Gay Porn in H

54. Getting Zoe

53. Karyn Decides to Stay For Dinn

52. Dad's home

Jon's Wish - Genitalia Switch: Jon Gets Ready For School

avatar on 2017-03-24 15:01:55

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"Jon, are you getting ready for school?" came the voice of his mother suddenly. He thought that she had already left for work, but then he remembered that that was in that other reality where gender roles were reversed. It was perfectly reasonable that his mother would be the one to be home right now and his father be the one to be already gone for work. Another thing occurred to him - he must have been so overwhelmed by the results of his newest wish that he had forgotten that it was still morning, not the afternoon. School would be starting within the hour. He wasn't quite sure why Karyn needed to go home, since she brought all her school stuff with her (Jon and Karyn frequently walked to school together), but maybe she accidentally left something important at home that she needed to pick up. Whatever the reason, Jon had to get ready for school. And that meant that he had to take a shower. Man, this was going to be weird.

He reached for his door, pausing for a moment to gaze at the poster on the back of his bedroom door - the one of the bikini-clad beach babe with the big boobs. She looked exactly the same, except for the sizeable bulge in her bikini bottoms, tightly outlining the shape of a cock. Wow. Breaking himself out of his stupor, he opened the door and went out into the hallway, accidentally bumping into his Goth sister Zoe.

"Hey, watch it," she said, irritably.

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