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61. It's Linda, His Wife

60. Jon's Dad Confronts Zoe, Then

59. Bittersweet

58. Jon's Dad

57. What Karyn Has Been Watching o

56. Watching TV

55. Zoe Was Watching Gay Porn in H

54. Getting Zoe

53. Karyn Decides to Stay For Dinn

52. Dad's home

51. It's Great Sex, But Karyn Noti

50. Taking the next step

49. It's a Delivery Woman

48. Jon Tells Karyn That Natasha A

47. Back with Jon and Karyn

46. Natasha and Tim

45. Jon Makes Out With Karyn, Sara

44. Jon's bedroom

43. Jon and Karyn Go to Jon's Hous

42. Confrontation in the hallway

Karyn's Wish: His Wife Is At the Door

avatar on 2017-02-11 16:20:38

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Standing outside was his wife Linda. He smiled, hugging her. "Welcome home, honey," he said, brightly.

Linda gave him a weak smile, then headed inside and collapsed on the living room sofa, dropping her briefcase on the floor.

"Tough day at work?" he asked.

"James, you have no idea what it's like to work there. You have it easy. All you have to do is clean the house and take care of the kids," she said, loosening her tie.

"That's not all I do around here," James said, putting his hands on his narrow hips.

"Oh, of course not," Linda said. "You also cook. So James, when will dinner be ready?"

James glared at his wife, but knew she was only being humorous. He was sure that she understood that there was more to being a househusband than met the eye. And besides, James also worked part-time, so that cut his house-working duties in half. Surely, his wife got the better deal. All she had to do was attend meetings and supervise. How hard was that? But he wasn't complaining. Sure, his life might have been better if he was born female, but he liked his life as a househusband. And just as a man, in general. If he had been born female, he couldn't have the chance to wear all these attractive outfits ... unless he crossdressed, of course. But that would just be weird, right?

"Listen, hun," James said, working in the kitchen. "We need to talk about Zoe."

"What about her?" Linda asked, turning on the TV and changing it to one of the sports channels so she could watch a basketball or football game.

"Well ..." James started, swishing into the living room.

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