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61. It's David, Pastor Margaret Wh

60. Jon's Dad Confronts Zoe, Then

59. Bittersweet

58. Jon's Dad

57. What Karyn Has Been Watching o

56. Watching TV

55. Zoe Was Watching Gay Porn in H

54. Getting Zoe

53. Karyn Decides to Stay For Dinn

52. Dad's home

51. It's Great Sex, But Karyn Noti

50. Taking the next step

49. It's a Delivery Woman

48. Jon Tells Karyn That Natasha A

47. Back with Jon and Karyn

46. Natasha and Tim

45. Jon Makes Out With Karyn, Sara

44. Jon's bedroom

43. Jon and Karyn Go to Jon's Hous

42. Confrontation in the hallway

Karyn's Wish: The Pastor's Husband Is At the Door

avatar on 2017-02-11 16:05:31

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Standing outside was David White, the husband of Pastor Margaret White. As usual, he was dressed quite conservatively, wearing a full-length high-necked, long sleeved dress, beige in color. His hair was pulled back into a severe bun and he wore just enough make-up to look presentable. Basically, he looked like the stereotypical church gentleman.

"David? What are you doing here?" Jon's father asked. Even though he didn't attend David's Baptist church, he still knew him from certain social circles. Friends of friends, that sort of thing.

"I'm sorry, but I really need to talk to you, James," David said. "Can I come in?"

"Sure," James said. And so the pastor's husband did.

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