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61. It's Zoe

60. Jon's Dad Confronts Zoe, Then

59. Bittersweet

58. Jon's Dad

57. What Karyn Has Been Watching o

56. Watching TV

55. Zoe Was Watching Gay Porn in H

54. Getting Zoe

53. Karyn Decides to Stay For Dinn

52. Dad's home

51. It's Great Sex, But Karyn Noti

50. Taking the next step

49. It's a Delivery Woman

48. Jon Tells Karyn That Natasha A

47. Back with Jon and Karyn

46. Natasha and Tim

45. Jon Makes Out With Karyn, Sara

44. Jon's bedroom

43. Jon and Karyn Go to Jon's Hous

42. Confrontation in the hallway

Karyn's Wish: Zoe's At the Door

avatar on 2017-02-11 15:53:18

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Standing outside was Zoe, who looked away when her father opened the door. "Sorry I yelled at you," she said. Apparently, she had given herself some time to cool off and collect her thoughts on the matter. It was nice to know that she could be reasonable, given enough time.

"Apology accepted. But this doesn't change anything. When your mother gets home, we're going to deal with this cigarette problem, okay?"

"Sure, Dad," she said, then headed into the house and up the stairs to her bedroom. Once inside her room, she immediately headed to her computer and canceled out of the web browser she had been using. She hadn't even noticed that she had left it on when she left her room earlier. "God, it's a good thing Dad didn't see this. It would be worse than the smoking thing."

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