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31. They Talk About What Happened,

30. Getting cleaned up

29. Karyn Checks Out a Bunch of Ma

28. Getting off lightly

27. Jon Tells the Teacher What Hap

26. The aftermath

25. Karyn Has to Go Save Jon From

24. Tiffany throws too hard

23. Karyn is Good At Football, and

22. Gym class

21. Tiffany Leaves, Then Jon and K

20. Tiffany the stud Sanders

19. Karyn Reveals Her Feelings For

18. Talking to Jon

17. Jon Gets Into a Cat Fight With

16. New Slut in Town

15. Jon Needs a New Look

14. Lunch time

13. First Class

12. On the way to school

Karyn's Wish: Heading to the Next Class

avatar on 2017-01-16 20:44:37

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P.E. class was nearly over, so Jon was back in his slutty outfit again, much to his embarrassment. But it was the only thing he had available to wear. Miss Felton had allowed him to change out of his gym clothes to go meet Karyn at the nurse's office, so that's why he was there, back in his regular clothing.

"So what happened?" Jon asked. "Did you get in trouble?"

"Mrs. Casey gave me a warning, that's all," Karyn said.

Jon looked relieved. "Thank god. I was fearing the worst. What about Tiffany?"

"She just got a warning too. I was kind of expecting a harsher consequence, since she's gotten in trouble before, but ..."

"It seems like girls like her get away with a lot. I bet her mom has connections to the school board or something," Jon said.

"Well, actually, Tiffany and me made up, at least enough to satisfy the principal."

"She's not going to bother me anymore, is she?" Jon asked, a little less relieved.

"I don't think so. And if she does ... I don't care what the school does to me. I won't let Tiffany hurt you."

Jon's relief came back and he smiled. "I'm so glad I have a girlfriend like you," he said, then latched onto Karyn's arm affectionately, as they made their way back to the locker rooms. Karyn still had to change out of her gym clothes.

Soon, Karyn was back in her regular clothes, and P.E. class was over. They only had two classes left before the end of the school day.

Karyn headed off to American History class (she'd have to re-learn everything about history, as she was sure it was mostly different now), and Jon headed off to Home Economics, a class that he liked quite a lot. As he headed there, he daydreamed about him and Karyn. Thinking about the class he was heading to, he imagined a future where he was married to Karyn, with Karyn having a high-paying job and Jon staying at home as a househusband, not too different from the life of his parents, actually.

He thought about his dream wedding, with Karyn in a dashing tuxedo and himself in a beautiful wedding gown, when suddenly, he was jarred out of his thoughts by a boy's voice. "Hey, watch where you're going, you ditz. Wha ... Jon? Is that you? What are you wearing? Why are you dressed like a slut?"

Jon turned and saw who was talking to him. It was ...

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