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22. Gym class

21. Tiffany Leaves, Then Jon and K

20. Tiffany the stud Sanders

19. Karyn Reveals Her Feelings For

18. Talking to Jon

17. Jon Gets Into a Cat Fight With

16. New Slut in Town

15. Jon Needs a New Look

14. Lunch time

13. First Class

12. On the way to school

11. Karyn's Wish

10. Back to Normal

9. The More Things Change...

8. The Changes

7. Off to School

6. The Apple Fell a Long Way from

5. Mom's New Look

4. Tomboy Vs. Girly-Girl

3. Jon Gets Another Idea

Karyn's Wish: Gym Class

avatar on 2017-01-14 21:54:28

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"Better hurry up, Karyn," another girl said, noticing that Karyn was just standing there. She hadn't even opened her locker yet.

Karyn opened her locker and started to undress. Once she was in her underwear Karyn pulled out her gym clothes.

She started with the black tank top followed by a pair of red running shorts. After slipping on her sneakers Karyn closed her locker and quickly exited the locker room.

By the time she had gotten ready Karyn was the last one out so she hurried over to where the other girls stood.

"Right," the coach said. "Now that everyone's here we can begin. Since today's class is a shared class I thought we could all do something together. I want all the girls to partner up with a boy."

There was a collective groan from the girls as they all spread out to pick someone.

Karyn started to make her way towards Jon but stopped when she saw that she had been beaten by Tiffany. Karyn saw Jon look over to her with fear on his face but there was nothing that she could do.

Karyn sighed and turned around to look for another partner. She groaned when she realised that the only person left available was Biff.

She wandered over to him thankful that Sarah wasn't in this class.

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