"I wish that, until I wish otherwise, that I was sufficiently androgynous to be frequently mistaken for a flat-chested girl. In addition, I would have all my male clothing replaced by girl's clothing. I would also wear short but girly hairstyles with the option of growing out my hair to longer styles. Additionally, boys would find me attractive, even if they are straight, and could do so without feeling like they were gay. Finally, people would be understanding and supportive of my lifestyle." The stone flashed. Jon's body changed and became softer and more slender. He wore the same hairstyle as Karyn. His clothing changed. His pants disappeared and changed into a skirt and tights. His shirt changed into a blouse. A quick check down his skirt revealed that he was wearing panties, altered for his male anatomy. He was even wearing a bra, for some reason. Checking his closet and dressers revealed that his clothes had, indeed, been replaced by girl's clothing. But why do I have a drawer of bras? Jon thought. He figured that his wish for girl's clothes didn't care that he didn't need bras and gave them to him anyways.
Jon looked in the mirror. His androgynous look was completed by his new outfit. Yes, there were still vague outward appearences that he was still male, but even he would have thought he was a girl just by looking at himself. He couldn't wait to meet Karyn and his family.