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56. Karyn leaves

55. Coffee

54. The door

53. Biff wakes

52. Biff's Girly Evening

51. Toy Store

50. Biff's Secret

49. Biff finishes his treatments

48. Biff's treatment

47. Biff hits the gym

46. Swimming

45. Karyn gets Jon dressed

44. Jon's morning

43. Biff wakes

42. Jon wakes

41. Biff gets home

40. Biffs evening

39. Biff's day at work

38. First night at dad's

37. Jon meets his dad

Karyn leaves

on 2022-02-28 11:13:39

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Karyn walked towards the door ahead of Biff. When she got to the door she stopped and turned around. Before Biff could say anything Karyn leaned in for another kiss, this time with a bit more force than the last time. She pulled Biff in close and grabbed onto his butt with both hands, taking a firm grip. Her tongue probed around his mouth and both of her hands slowly made their way down to the hem of his dress and then snaked their way back up and under the dress. Soon her hands were roaming all over Biff's pantied butt, rubbing and caressing the soft material and the soft skin.

Biff was in heaven. This was the best he could hope for in his current situation. He could enjoy the feminine role while at the same time, on a deeper level, know it was a girl he was being intimate with. He reached one of his manicured hands down and rubbed Karyn's crotch through her pants. Karyn let out a very rough grunt when he did and she started to grind her crotch towards his hand.

They continued like this for several minutes before this time Karyn was the one to break the kiss.

"To be continued," she whispered in Biffs ear before opening the door and walking confidently towards her car. Biff closed the door, sad to see her go but also kind of relieved. This was all a lot to process. He closed his eyes as he turned and leaned back against the door, exhaling loudly. His face was flushed and his penis was tenting the front of his dress. When he opened his eyes he saw Jon standing in front of him with a big smile on his face.

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