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9. Jon needs underwear!

8. Big Tiddy Goth Girlfriend

7. Even More Shirts

6. Getting Dressed

5. Laundry Room

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Laundry Room: Jon still needs underwear

on 2022-02-26 07:16:32
Episode last modified by Marazh-no on 2022-02-26 15:57:24

2465 hits, 229 views, 2 upvotes.

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Jon facepalmed when he realized something important. He wasn't fully dressed. He wasn't sure how he could have forgotten something so important but he needed to hurry. Zoe had gone down the stairs leaving him alone but he could now hear someone coming up them.

Jon quickly dashed back into the laundry room. Shutting the door, he tried to lock the door but the little button in the doorknob wouldn't stay down. He would have to hurry then. Turning around he had a moment of confusion. The shirts were gone. Not that was a problem, he had picked the best option, it wasn't like he was going to change his mind now. Not that he could anyway.

Now, in place of the shirts was a drying rack with several pairs of underwear. Unfortunately, they were all womens. Still, it wasn't like he had much of a choice. He could hear the footsteps, they had reached the top of the stairs and were almost certainly coming this way. If they came in here and found him half-naked it would be colossally embarrassing. Though now that he thought about it, certainly, it would be worse if he was found in women's underwear?

Jon soon forgot his concerns as a wave of dizziness passed through him causing him to stumble into the wall. Catching himself with one hand he took several deep breaths clearing his mind only to be distracted by some discomfort as his breaths caused his shirt to chafe on his nipples.

He was startled out of his thoughts as the door to the Laundry room started to open. Thinking quickly Jon ran at the door slamming it shut.

"Undressed people in here! Can you wait a second?" He quickly shouted. The thought of how strange it was for someone to NEED to use the Laundry room during a party quickly explained away by what he heard next.

"Oh, Jon that's you! Sorry, I just really needed to get in there. My clothes are soaked through and I need something clean and dry before someone finds me like this." The familiar voice of Karyn rang out from the other side of the door.

"Fine! Get in here quickly before someone sees." Jon replied opening the door just long enough for Karyn to duck inside.

"Jon!? What are you wearing!?"

"Hey lay off, it was the only thing I could find. And I still haven't found underwear or pants either. Hence while I'm still here. You interrupted my decision-making. Seems the only options here are panties and..." Jon's voice stopped as he turned around. Alongside the rack of drying panties, was now a full outfit which looked like... Well, it seemed to be some kind of sexy teacher outfit. There was a tight plaid dress that seemed on the bottom to be a tight pencil skirt but near the top, it was more like a tank top with straps that would go over the shoulders, except it stopped just below where the breasts would be. Thankfully underneath that was a white button-up top that would cover up the exposed parts. Lying next to it was a pair of sexy glasses and a pair of 3 in heels and a push-up lace bra and a thong. It didn't for a moment cross Jon’s mind for a moment that he had never heard of a push up bra just a few minutes ago but had not problem identifying it now.

“Lucky you Karyn, you can wear that.” Jon said gesturing to the outfit, “I just need to find the least sexy underwear then hopefully quickly dash over to my room before anyone sees us. Then I can find something better for me and maybe something for you too.”

“Good plan,” Karyn replied. Jon couldn’t help but blush as fully revealed her wish-enhanced assets from their soaked semi-transparent prison.
Turning away Jon brought his mind to the task at hand. He didn’t have any really good options, most of them had strange phrases he couldn’t help but think wouldn’t really ever end up on a pair of panties. Sighing Jon choose from:

• A leather thong that said: “I (heart) leather”
• A pair of pink panties that loudly proclaimed that the owner was a: “Cum dumpster”
• Another sparkly purple pair had written in fake gemstones on the rear: “Cute guys can do me”
• Finally extremely skimpy lacy red thong which seemed to be free of the strange erotic slogans that the others had

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