Jon ran into Karyn. "Karyn," he said. "I didn't know you were here." He tried to cover his penis with his hands, attempting to hide the erection he was getting. He was vaguely embarrassed to be seen in the nude, but only in an abstract sense that he felt that he should be embarrassed. He figured that because his wish made his mother unashamed of her nudity, that she had raised her children to be unashamed of their own nudity. He was more worried at what Karyn would think seeing him get an obvious erection because of her.
"I've been looking all over for you," said Karyn, as she came into Jon's room. "We were going to use the stone, remember?" Karyn didn't seem shocked by his nudity. Jon looked again at her to see if he had missed anything that had been changed by the wish. His shock at his nudity might have made him miss something. He noticed that Karyn was...