Jon has been given many friends over the years, and most of his non-enemy classmates have been his friends at one point or other. I did a search (but their were too many episodes so I gave up and used what I found) and got alot of friends of his here in this episode. I forgot Tim Brandt though.;=nospamstory
In that story (I think it was that one) I played up Pete's semi crush on Jon and made Joseph more rude and sarcastic, as usually Tim Brant, Pete, and Joseph feel largely interchangable to me.
This episode also features a couple characters I made and used a couple times who never caught on. Marcus, a latino kid who is an adopted son of a gay couple, as both a relatively unused ethnicity in FB and someone likely straight but not homophobic. And Wendy Warner, a potential enemy of Jon who instead of being popular and hating him like most enemies, is unpopular and loves him. Sadly an "unwanted crush" threat never seemed to catch on.