A few minutes later, Zoe came out of her room. She had a new corset on, one that covered her breasts and her skirt was about an inch shorter. "Happy now," she asked, snidely.
"Sort of," said Jon.
"Thank you," Zoe said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to meet Athena at school." Athena was one of Zoe's goth friends. Zoe flounced out the door, the swish of her skirt revealing that, no, she did not have panties on underneath.
Jon met Karyn at there usual spot. "I see you got Zoe to dress halfways decently today. At least she's not showing her tits off again."
"Thank goodness for that," Jon said.
"What is it with goth girls, anyways?" asked Karyn. "They start dressing in black, acting all angsty and suddenly can't keep their legs together."
"So all the goth girls act like this?" asked Jon. I only wanted Zoe to be a slut. Did my wish make the other goth girs become sluts too?
"Yeah," replied Karyn. "It seems like half the goth girls have gotten themselves knocked up. Amy Richardson just found out she's pregnant with her second."
As they got to school, they saw that Zoe and Athena were both behind the bleachers kissing a couple of guys who were on the basketball team. Zoe, who was facing away from them, didn't see them go past, though Jon did get a good look at her naked ass as the boy she was kissing lifted her skirt up so he could fondle it better. Karyn rolled her eyes and said, "Geeze. School hasn't started yet and she's already at it."
Jon said, "Lets just get to class."