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8. Agent Bell 'Explains'

7. Transforming

6. Selecting a Designer Body

5. Katie meets the Agent

4. Becoming A Witness

3. A Young Married Couple

2. Witness Protection Bureau

1. The Drafting Board

WPB: Agent Bell 'Explains'

on 2022-02-09 23:14:53
Episode last modified by Beta on 2022-02-12 20:29:04

753 hits, 75 views, 1 upvotes.

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Katie shook Brandon trying to wake him as he laid on the floor starting to shift and change in front of them.

"What's happening?!" Katie yelled up at Agent Bell.

"You told us this was safe?!" she said tearing up some. Agent Bell looked through the tablet.

"It is safe just give me a moment to-" she stopped as if she realized something. Looking over the files she now saw that when they both ordered the nanobots they both choose the same option and there was only one custom batch left. She should have noticed this but she missed it. She cringed thinking of how she messed up, but then as she looked down to Brandon who was slowly changing to look like his wife's twin and considered what would happen if she told her bosses she was this careless with those she had to protect. She made a choice right there to put herself first. Should she tell her the lab messed up or maybe... she had an idea as she watched Brandon squirm.

"Well... actually this is the body Brandon ordered." she said showing the tablet that showed the order that was for nothing but this current look.

"He ordered a copy of your body... he uh... was trying to tell you before you changed I think..." she said trying to make this sound believable. Katie raised a brow.

"Like me?... but he doesn't look-" looking down she watched massive boobs form in his shirt and gasped.

"OH! Like... this me?... er.. but... why?" she asked feeling a massive turn off to her husband in this moment having hoping he'd learn something about being a hot alpha male from what she was expecting him to have chosen.

"Well uh... who knows... he also wanted to work at a strip club." she said pointing out the place of his employment. This made Katie snap her head back in Agent Bell's direction.

"WHAT!? The fuck..." she looked disgusted as she looked to her sleeping husband.

"Why is he knocked out I didn't pass out?" she asked looking away from him, or more her now as she was almost done changing. Agent Bell nodded.

"Yeah sorry.. that happens when people use the nanobots to change genders... its a bit more of a brain shock and the mind isn't used to all these new signals... he- er.. she will be similar to a teenager... full of mood swings and low emotional control, impulsive and a bit horn- er... " she adjusted her glasses trailing off.

"Well.. while they rest lets get you settled into your new apartment." she said trying to change the subject and this made Katie pause.

"I need a new one." she said bluntly causing Agent Bell to stop.

"A new one?... why?" she asked confused now.

"It's a single bedroom I'm not sharing a bet with another woman.... a stripper." she cringed looking down with disgust at her sleeping husband now a complete copy of her.

"And what are we twins sisters or something now in our new identities? I can't share a bet with my sister it'll be weird..."

She cringed and then though about it, and this could work in her favor.

"Well... how about this..." she tapped some stuff on her tablet.

"We don't have a ton left in the budget but i think I can make this work. Your sister will get her own place and you'll get to keep the nice pent house you picked out." she said escorting her out into the next room to get her some better fitting clothes.

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