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2. First Episode Take Two

1. You Are What You Wish

Retconning a Bad Start

on 2007-03-24 10:34:29

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(Sorry for copying so much of the first episode, but I couldn't help but wonder what could happen if Karyn didn't learn from her mistake quite so quickly in the first episode.)

Sarah McMillan, head cheerleader and class-A bitch, was wandering across the yard followed by her usual entourage of drooling, overmuscled football players and other assorted testosterone-fueled flunkies.

Karyn was unimpressed. "Can you explain to me why men are so shallow? Everyone knows that McMillan is a total bitch and yet, because she has blond hair and big tits, every guy in the school spends half his life dribbling down her cleavage."

"Not every guy," I noted, although I had to admit that Sarah wasn't bad to look at, even though I'd never associate myself with someone with such a untrustworthy character.

"Okay, most guys. There's only one of her; why can't she just pick one and let the rest of us have a go?" She sighed.

I grinned. "Got your eye on anyone in particular?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

She scowled at me. "No. Just a general feeling. God, I wish I had long blond hair and big boobs and maybe then I'd get some of the attention."

I think it dawned on us both at the same time what she had said and we just looked at each other, a look of slight shock on our faces, but it was much too late by then. I found I had to look away from Karyn, as I got something in my eye, or so it seemed.

I knew pretty much what to expect when I looked back, but it was still weird.

To be honest, the breasts weren't really noticeable. Karyn always wore her favourite baggy green sweater and I was really pretty much in the dark as to her bust size before the wish, but presumably they hadn't counted as 'big', at least in her mind. The hair, however, was a different story. It was not only light blond and lying gently across her shoulders, but more shockingly, perfectly straight. It was not, in my opinion, a look which suited her, but then I didn't suppose for a moment she'd been serious with her hastily spoken wish.

Karyn looked down, pulled at her bra and lifted a lock of yellow hair to take a look at it. "Fuck."

"Indeed. This is why I wanted to lock this thing away. This sort of thing was bound to happen." I sighed.

She shrugged and then looked disconcerted at the new things obviously going on in her bra. "Could have been worse. I could have wished..."

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