Danlan started thinking “I know” he started thinking of an old song whose only lyrics were “He’s a man a such a man he’s a real man’s man” and started singing it to himself but replacing “He” with “I’m” this was starting to effect the UPE as he started getting drink orders wrong, soon after his name tag changed back to Daniel seeing this Jamie called a few girls over to take over. She then took him back to Kayla but as they walked he started having problems walking tripping every few steps until his heels had reverted back to runners
Meanwhile upstairs his father just saw the magazine and screamed “WHAT THE F***” one of the playmates came over “Something wrong, sir” he turned to her “WRONG?, my son was to get a special edition magazine but instead you doll him up like a playmate and put him in it. So yeah something is wrong, my son is in a PLAYBOY IN DRAG. I AM GETTING MY SON & WE ARE LEAVING”