MORFS had been working for a long time in the world, and as part of Jon's wish this meant that it was far further in time than it had been when he'd made the wish, which meant that any number of things could have and did happen between the time when the MORFS virus had first gone through the world and the point at which Jon's story started.
And in this, rather unfortunate case, he was to come to be known as the first victim of a new strain of the syndrome, something called UMORFS.
Short for Uncontrolled Massive Ontogenetic Regulation Failure Syndrome, the outcomes of such cases were examples of uncontrolled mutation, the thing that the genetic regulation gene was originally made to prevent.
And when Jon woke up four days after his initial contracting of his mild stomach bug, the initial virus that had activated his damaged genes to start his mutation, he was horrified when he discovered what had happened to him.