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9. Science and Math are for girls

8. Jon Probes the Situation

7. Gender Role Reversal in Progre

6. Slumber Party: Leonard reads a

5. Not a Prank

4. The Guys Think Pete's Lingerie

3. Jon's Slumber Party

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon's Slumber Party: Science And Math are For Girls

avatar on 2017-07-21 21:54:07

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"Why would I be good at those?" Jay asked confused. "You know that math and science are girl classes. Why?"

Jon shrugged. "I was just stuck on my homework." He lied feeling uncomfortable.

"Oh? Is that for Mrs. Wilson's class?" Jay asked and Jon nodded.

"Urg, I don't know why you just drop out of that class." Tim chimed in. "Everyone knows that she's such a pervert."

Jon was shocked. He had assumed that in this new reality (or whatever was happening) that Mrs. Wilson was supposed to be Mr. Wilson so he just went with it but what shocked him was what Tim was saying.

"I didn't know that." Jon pointed out. The guys all shared a knowing look.

"Well almost everyone." Tim corrected. "In my first class she made me sit at the front just so that she could get a look up my skirt." Tim told them shocking the guys.

"I dropped out as soon as I could."

Jon didn't know what to say.

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