The school was chaos as was usual for first period after the bell had rung. Jon saw a sign that caught his eye as he was rushing towards his first class.
'Fruit is healthy, but can be stealthy.'
'Always spit it out before you find out. Be ready for fruit based temptations!'
"What?" Jon openly gasped, the poster was of a woman eating a strawberry, a look of shock on her face. She looked as you would expect a stylized drawing of a woman to look except for the shoulders of an NFL linebacker that adorned her upper body. "Why does anyone even eat this if this is how it works, what the hell did I wish for? Is there a system for these." Jon was abruptly cut off by his face meeting the poster forcefully.
"Nice ass Jon, did the pear make you crazy too, checking out posters and talking to yourself." Biff meadows taunted Jon.
"Yeah fuck you Jon." said Steve Farber.
"Shut up Steve, leave the insults to me." Biff said. "Get out of here wide load, and don't get your crazy on my halls again."
Jon scrambled away, even more curious as to how this world works.