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60. Biff and Rachel Begin Their Wa

59. Warming Up

58. Meeting the pianist

57. In Character Time

56. Heather and Biff compare notes

55. Heather offers to Escort Biff

54. The girls arrive

53. Getting ready for the party

52. Exaggeration was It?

51. Jordan wants to hang out

50. Biff Wakes Up Wearing New Clot

49. Heather finally gets some acti

48. What about the others?

47. Not Jealous

46. Biff's costume

45. Biff on Display Again

44. Biff gets an invitation

43. Biff and Jordan Think About Ea

42. Heather is Annoyed That Jordan

41. Homework interruptions

Greek Life: Maybe Singing Will Be a Breeze

avatar on 2017-03-18 21:51:27

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Getting ready to practice a bit, Biff picked up some of the sheet music and was surprised that he actually understood it all. Funny ... it was not too long ago when it was all just complete gibberish to him. But now ...

Biff laughed. This was so simple. He wondered why he had so much trouble with it before. This was going to be a breeze. Well, to read the music anyway. He was still getting the hang of the actual singing part.

He looked over at the pianist Rachel, who was sitting behind the keyboard. Then she began to play.

So how well did Biff do during his warm up session?

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