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12. Heather finally arrives

11. Heather's morning

10. The morning after the party

9. Biff Meets A Very Different Ty

8. During the party

7. Competition

6. Introducing the team leaders

5. Pledging Ain't What It Used to

4. Running into an Old 'Friend'

3. 3 years later

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Greek Life: Heather Finally Arrives

avatar on 2017-02-23 16:13:34

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"Glad you could finally join us Heather." Alexa said as Heather came running up to the group, out of breath and her breasts bouncing.

Panting she tried to apologise. "Sorry, I overslept." She looked towards Biff who shrugged his shoulders.

"Ok guys listen up! Your next task is about to begin." Alexa said getting everyone's attention.

Heather turned towards her and then frowned. Something about Alexa seemed different than when she had seen her yesterday.

Heather tried to work it out but couldn't quite place it.

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