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10. The morning after the party

9. Biff Meets A Very Different Ty

8. During the party

7. Competition

6. Introducing the team leaders

5. Pledging Ain't What It Used to

4. Running into an Old 'Friend'

3. 3 years later

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Greek Life: The Morning After The Party

avatar on 2017-02-22 22:14:14

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The next morning Biff woke up bright and early which struck him as odd as he normally liked to lie in on Saturdays. Yawning he shrugged his shoulders. "Oh well." He thought. "I might as well get ready." At least he would be up in plenty of time before the pledges met up for the next task.

Normally Biff would skip a shower especially if he was running late but this time he decided to take one. The shower was down the hall of the dorms. He didn't want to go out in just his pyjamas so he grabbed a pink bathrobe and then made his way to the bathrooms.

As Biff took his shower he thought about the girl he had met last night, Jordan. Sure she was good looking but she didn't seem interested in sports and instead talked mostly about music. Biff didn't listen to a lot of music so he drowned her out mostly by checking out the rest of the girls at the party.

Finished with his shower Biff stepped out and absentmindedly wrapped a towel around his chest and another around his head. He then walked back to his room and got dressed.

Being ready earlier than he normally would have meant that he had some time to kill before the meeting at 11. So Biff decided to grab some breakfast.

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