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179. Mikey doesn't live here anymor

178. Biff is At Home Tonight

177. What About the Other Brother?

176. Gary's new relationship status

175. Chores

174. Gary helps Lorraine

173. Zip It

172. Gary's new friends

171. Guest Room No Longer

170. The Variable

169. Gary takes it off

168. Not Gonna Happen

167. Gary's wearing makeup

166. Foreshadowing

165. Gary takes a break

164. Lorraine and Roger

163. Sally has a date

162. Jon's new wardrobe

161. Mikey Has a Weird Question

160. Mikey to the rescue

Slowly Swapping: Mikey Doesn't Live Here Anymore

avatar on 2016-10-16 15:00:28

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They seemed to be in the midst of spirited play.

"Hello?" Mikey said, annoyed they didn't stop to greet him. Mikey stepped into their field of view. "Hello!?" He repeated waving his hand in front of them.

"Who are you? And how did you get in?" His mom yelled pausing the game and standing up.

Mikey was shocked. "Dad? It's me Mikey! I'm your son" Mikey was starting to get upset. Why was his dad acting like this?

"I don't know anyone named Mikey. You'd better explain yourself young lady!"

Mikey was too shocked to realise that his dad referred to him as "young lady". "B-but I l-live here." Mikey stammered. "The front door was open".

"And you thought that you could just walk in here?" Linda said. She was fuming.

Mikey nodded. He didn't understand what was going on.

"I'm sorry but I don't know you and I don't take kindly to strangers walking into my house." Linda yelled. She turned to Sarah. "What have I told you about leaving the front door open Sarah?"

"Sorry dad" Sarah replied looking glum. Linda sighed and dragged Mikey out the house.

"Now don't bother my family again!" She said and slammed the door behind her.

Mikey cried. For some reason his dad didn't recognise him and acted like he was a total stranger and threw him out of the house.

"What am I going to do?" Mikey asked himself drying his eyes making sure not to smudge his makeup.

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