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226. Robert meets his new friends

225. Gary is annoyed

224. Is It a Swap or a Mid-Life Cri

223. Gary's uncomfortable

222. Taller

221. Mikey Has a Swap

220. Mikey's first day of high scho

219. Gossip

218. Jon arrives at school

217. Gary Has Talents

216. carpooling to school

215. Things Begin to Converge

214. Zoe the CEO

213. Jon Has Lost Hope

212. of fto school

211. Mom and Daughter Talk

210. the next morning

209. Mikey and Chores

208. Bedtime

207. Tomorrow is a School Day

Slowly Swapping: Robert Meets His New Friends

avatar on 2016-10-27 20:40:21

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Robert Gibson stood at the gate to the high school hardly believing it. He was supposed to be a successful businessman who owned his own business. Yet here he was standing outside the school dressed like a Goth and everyone was treating him as such.

Robert sighed as he walked through the entrance. One good thing about this however was that he enjoyed hearing the sound that his black boots made as he stomped his way to school.

Making his way through the crowd of students who were just starting to make their way to class Robert spotted some girls who were dressed similarly to him. So he made his way over to them. One of them spotted him and smiled which confirmed Robert's theory.

"Hey Robert" one of the girls said. She was wearing a Victorian style dress and had a pendant hanging around her neck.

"Hey" Robert mumbled.

"What's up?" The girl asked.

"Nothing" Robert lied. "I didn't feel like coming to school today."

"Yeah I know the feeling." One of the other girls said. "But if I miss too many more classes then I'm going to fail." The other girls nodded in agreement.

"Come on. Let's go to class."

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