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198. Robert needs to be somewhere e

197. Talking Things Out (Alt)

196. Zoe Takes Charge

195. Confrontation

194. Speeding

193. Zoe to the rescue

192. Crisis at the Hammonds

191. At the Clubhouse

190. Alex

189. Sally's date

188. Time for a Date

187. Tea with Emily

186. Sharon Makes a Decision But Je

185. Sharon's not sure

184. Jessica Takes Charge

183. What if There Was?

182. Karyn and Jon talk

181. Catching up with Jon and Karyn

180. Mikey Starts to Feel a Lack of

179. Mikey meets Sarah

Slowly Swapping: Robert Needs To Be Somewhere Else

avatar on 2016-10-17 15:14:05

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"If you aren't in to this...why did you scare my wife? Why don't you just go home?"

"This is my home..."

Zoe looked at him. "Look...I believe you. But...I'm asking this really where you want to be?

"" Robert thought about it. "No" he said finally.

"No?" Zoe asked.

"I can't explain it." Robert said. "I know this is supposed to be my home but suddenly it doesn't feel like. I feel like I should be somewhere else but I don't know where."

Zoe nodded. She understood. Even though she had only stepped into this house for the first time a few moments ago, it was beginning to feel a lot like home.

Zoe opened a drawer in the desk and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper. She wrote down her address. "Here" she said handing Robert the paper.

"Maybe this'll help"

Robert took the paper and looked at the address.

"Thanks" he said.

"Now if we are all done here" Zoe said getting up. She led Robert out and saw him out of the house.

"Everything OK?" Zoe turned and saw her wife standing in the hall.

"Yeah, he was just a little lost" Zoe said. She walked over to her and embraced her.

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