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195. Confrontation

194. Speeding

193. Zoe to the rescue

192. Crisis at the Hammonds

191. At the Clubhouse

190. Alex

189. Sally's date

188. Time for a Date

187. Tea with Emily

186. Sharon Makes a Decision But Je

185. Sharon's not sure

184. Jessica Takes Charge

183. What if There Was?

182. Karyn and Jon talk

181. Catching up with Jon and Karyn

180. Mikey Starts to Feel a Lack of

179. Mikey meets Sarah

178. Biff is At Home Tonight

177. What About the Other Brother?

176. Gary's new relationship status

Slowly Swapping: Confrontation With The Former Mr. Hammond

avatar on 2016-10-16 22:01:16

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She ran inside and found a middle-aged man standing there. He had dyed black hair, piercings, a spiked collar, a black corset, a ripped black miniskirt, black and white striped stockings, and black knee-high buckled boots with four-inch stacks.

"Who the fuck are you?" The man said to her.

Zoe ignored him for a moment as she rushed to comfort her wife. She was clearly upset and frightened. She was visibly shaking.

"Oh honey. Thank goodness you're here." Amanda said as Zoe pulled her into an embrace.

"Are you alright?" Zoe asked. "Did he hurt you?"

Amanda shook her head. "No I'm fine." She said. "This man appeared at the door earlier claiming to be my husband and that he lived here. Honey, what's going on?"

Zoe had an idea. It was clear to her that the man was the person that she was swapping with but Zoe wasn't going to metion that. They'd think she was nuts.

Zoe decided to go along with the situation. "Look, young lady!" She said firmly realising her wife and pointing a finger at the former Mr Hammond.

"I don't know who you are or what you're doing in my house. You're lucky that you haven't hurt my wife otherwise you would be in big trouble."

The man was shocked and confused. "But this is my house!" He demanded. "I fucking live here and that's my wife! I'm Robert Hammond!"

Robert went over to Richard and Mark who standing in the corner of the room.

"Guys it's me. Don't recognise me?" They both shook their heads. "We played fucking golf together last week!" He shouted.

Zoe cleared her throat. "Erm excuse me young lady. I think that you should watch your language. You're not making this situation any better for you."

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