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Slowly Swapping: Sally's Date

avatar on 2016-10-16 19:04:48

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Sally reached the coffee house where she had agreed to meet Alex. Alex lived in town and this wasn't to far from where he lived. Entering the café Sally scanned the crowd for someone who matched Alex's profile picture.

It seemed as if he wasn't here yet so Sally found an empty table and took a seat placing her handbag on the floor next to her.

She didn't have to wait too long for Alex to arrive. She had chosen a table which had a view of the door and she spotted him and then waved him over.

She saw Alex smile as he spotted her and then as he walked towards her she stood up and offered him her hand.

"Hi" Sally said nervously. "Hi" Alex replied and shook her hand. Sally then gestured for him to sit down.

"You look great" Alex said admiring Sally's outfit. Sally blushed.

"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself" Sally replied. That was a bit of an understatement in Sally's opinion. He was so handsome. How he was still single Sally had no idea.

"I'm sorry." Sally said. "I'm a bit nervous. It's been a while since I've been on a date" she explained.

"Don't be" Alex said. "I understand. It was the same when my wife died. I went ages without seeing anyone else. I've only just started going out again myself. So I know exactly how you feel".

"Thanks" Sally said smiling.

"Now how about a coffee?" Alex asked.

Sally nodded. "I'll have a latte please" she said.

Alex nodded. "Coming right up" he said as he got up to order their drinks.

"So far" Sally thought to herself. "this is going well. You've got this girl."

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