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187. Tea with Emily

186. Sharon Makes a Decision But Je

185. Sharon's not sure

184. Jessica Takes Charge

183. What if There Was?

182. Karyn and Jon talk

181. Catching up with Jon and Karyn

180. Mikey Starts to Feel a Lack of

179. Mikey meets Sarah

178. Biff is At Home Tonight

177. What About the Other Brother?

176. Gary's new relationship status

175. Chores

174. Gary helps Lorraine

173. Zip It

172. Gary's new friends

171. Guest Room No Longer

170. The Variable

169. Gary takes it off

168. Not Gonna Happen

Slowly Swapping: Tea With Emily

avatar on 2016-10-16 18:31:09

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Sally took a sip of her tea when Jessica and Sally came into the room.

"Me and Sharon are going to my room to play dollies" Jessica announced. She seemed a bit uncomfortable

"OK honey" Emily said. And Jessica and Emily rushed upstairs

"So what's new with you?" Emily asked Sally. It had been a while since she had seen her friend.

"Well actually I have a date this afternoon." Sally said taking another sip. "Which is why I can't stay too long"

"Ooh" Emily said excitedly. "Who is he? Come on tell me"

Sally laughed. Emily was always looking for the latest gossip and she had been pushing Sally to go out on a date. "His name's Alex." Sally said putting the cup down "We met on a dating site".

"Do you know anything about him?" Emily asked.

Sally then went through what she had seen on Alex's profile.

"Wow!" Emily said once Sally had finished. "He sounds amazing"

Sally had to agree. He sounded almost too too to be true. "Yeah" she said sighing happily

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