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172. Gary's new friends

171. Guest Room No Longer

170. The Variable

169. Gary takes it off

168. Not Gonna Happen

167. Gary's wearing makeup

166. Foreshadowing

165. Gary takes a break

164. Lorraine and Roger

163. Sally has a date

162. Jon's new wardrobe

161. Mikey Has a Weird Question

160. Mikey to the rescue

159. Thought

158. Gary talks to Linda

157. Sharon gets an invitation

156. Sally Thinks About It

155. Sharon tries to explain

154. Size Differential

153. Sally's busy morning

Slowly Swapping: Gary's New Friends

avatar on 2016-10-15 18:18:49

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He walked back into the room he'd vacated only a short while before. It didn't look like a guest room. It looked lived in. With his stuff...and the pink makeup.

"What the..." Gary said dumbstruck. He picked up a tube of lipstick.

"See sweetie?" Lorraine said. "This is your room. There's even a picture here with you and your friends." She said pointing to the dresser. Gary came over and had a look.

Sure enough he was in the picture. Gary noted that the photo version of him had the same bubblegum pink lipstick that he had been wearing earlier. Stand next to Gary in the photo were a group of girls.

Gary looked out of place being taller than the girls and still dressed in his male clothes. The only thing that made him fit in was the makeup on his face. Gary studied the girls in the photo. One of them he realised wasn't actually a girl. It was Mikey.

Frowning he turned back to face Lorraine. "What the hell is going on here?" He asked. Lorraine however looked cross.

"Watch your langue" she snapped.

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