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167. Lorraine isn't wearing makeup

166. Foreshadowing

165. Gary takes a break

164. Lorraine and Roger

163. Sally has a date

162. Jon's new wardrobe

161. Mikey Has a Weird Question

160. Mikey to the rescue

159. Thought

158. Gary talks to Linda

157. Sharon gets an invitation

156. Sally Thinks About It

155. Sharon tries to explain

154. Size Differential

153. Sally's busy morning

152. Linda Gets Gary Alone

151. Zoe's married?

150. Jon Thinks About It

149. Jon needs a new wardrobe

148. Zoe's good at golf

Slowly Swapping: Lorraine Isn't Wearing Makeup

avatar on 2016-10-15 10:41:30

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Little did he know that what was going on around there was about to further impact his life.

As he pulled into his driveway, he turned to Lorraine and noticed something strange he hadn't noticed before.

"What is it honey?" Lorraine asked concerned with the way that her husband was looking at her.

"You're not wearing any makeup" Gary said pointedly. Normally his wife couldn't bare to be seen without any makeup. She never left the bedroom without it on but as Gary looked at her he could tell that she wasn't wearing any.

Lorraine laughed which confused Gary. "Of course I'm not honey! I never wear the stuff. You're the one who never leaves the house without it."

Gary was shocked. He looked into the mirror and saw that he was wearing his wife's makeup. Somehow whatever was happening with Linda and her family was now happening to him and his wife.

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