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167. Gary's new purse

166. Foreshadowing

165. Gary takes a break

164. Lorraine and Roger

163. Sally has a date

162. Jon's new wardrobe

161. Mikey Has a Weird Question

160. Mikey to the rescue

159. Thought

158. Gary talks to Linda

157. Sharon gets an invitation

156. Sally Thinks About It

155. Sharon tries to explain

154. Size Differential

153. Sally's busy morning

152. Linda Gets Gary Alone

151. Zoe's married?

150. Jon Thinks About It

149. Jon needs a new wardrobe

148. Zoe's good at golf

Slowly Swapping: Gary's New Purse

avatar on 2016-10-15 10:29:10

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Author's note: Just setting up a couple of options on where we can go with this

Little did he know that what was going on around there was about to further impact his life.

As he pulled into his driveway, he turned to Lorraine and noticed something strange he hadn't noticed before.

On the dashboard of the car was a purse but this wasn't a purse that he had seen before. It was pink and while his wife had a lot of purses it certainly didn't look like one of hers.

It looked like the sort of purse that a child would carry. It was a small pink satchel bag which had pink beads on the handle.

"What is it honey?" Lorraine asked noticing that her husband was staring at the bag.

"Whose bag is that?" Gary asked pointing to the bag.

"Why sweetie." Lorraine replied a bit confused. "That's your bag"

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