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165. Gary takes a break

164. Lorraine and Roger

163. Sally has a date

162. Jon's new wardrobe

161. Mikey Has a Weird Question

160. Mikey to the rescue

159. Thought

158. Gary talks to Linda

157. Sharon gets an invitation

156. Sally Thinks About It

155. Sharon tries to explain

154. Size Differential

153. Sally's busy morning

152. Linda Gets Gary Alone

151. Zoe's married?

150. Jon Thinks About It

149. Jon needs a new wardrobe

148. Zoe's good at golf

147. Interruptions

146. Meet the Gibsons

Slowly Swapping: Gary Takes A Break

avatar on 2016-10-13 21:01:34

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Roger finished preparing breakfast and then Lorraine and Roger went to the living room to join their husbands.

"Honey" Roger said to Linda. "Breakfast is ready. Looks like it's just the two of us. Karyn went out to meet Jon". Linda nodded in response.

"I think we'd best be off dear" Lorraine said. Gary nodded and stood up.

"Well it was nice meeting you" Gary said politely. He shook Linda's hand and then said goodbye to Roger and followed his wife out to the car.

As they drove back home Lorraine turned to Gary. "You know honey? I've been thinking. You've been very stressed lately about work. Perhaps you should take a break?" She suggested.

Normally Gary would turn down her offer as he was a workaholic but he thought about it. "This might be a chance to do some poking around and figure out what was going on around here" he thought to himself.

"You know what honey?" He said out loud. "That's actually not a bad idea. I'll call the office tomorrow morning and let them know that I'm taking the week off"

Lorraine was surprised. She was expecting Gary to reject her offer but while she was surprised she was Alps happy. Perhaps this break would be for the best. For both of them.

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