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151. Zoe's married?

150. Jon Thinks About It

149. Jon needs a new wardrobe

148. Zoe's good at golf

147. Interruptions

146. Meet the Gibsons

145. Zoe is in a Rush

144. To the Gibson's house

143. One last change for Linda

142. Guest Room

141. It's too late

140. Gary Plays It Cool

139. Biff's dad gets a shock

138. At the airport

137. An Outsider

136. Every Time It Seems

135. Jon and Karyn are alone

134. Sarah and Zoe

133. Just Like One of the Family

132. Zoe's feeling better

Slowly Swapping: Zoe's Married?

avatar on 2016-10-07 14:26:33

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Things felt good.

"Ah it's good to be outside instead of stuck in the office" Richard said as they walked to the next hole.

Zoe nodded although she didn't know about being in an office. She did prefer being out here than in school.

They continued to talk as they played and eventually the conversation turned to their relationships. But what shocked Zoe was what Richard asked her next.

"So Zoe" he said. "How's your wife Amanda?"

Zoe was flabbergasted. She was married? Zoe had never even had a boyfriend before and suddenly she was married? Zoe looked at her hand and sure enough there was a wedding ring on her finger. Zoe noted that it was a male's ring.

This was getting out of hand.

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