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148. Zoe's good at golf

147. Interruptions

146. Meet the Gibsons

145. Zoe is in a Rush

144. To the Gibson's house

143. One last change for Linda

142. Guest Room

141. It's too late

140. Gary Plays It Cool

139. Biff's dad gets a shock

138. At the airport

137. An Outsider

136. Every Time It Seems

135. Jon and Karyn are alone

134. Sarah and Zoe

133. Just Like One of the Family

132. Zoe's feeling better

131. Invitation to dinner

130. Mikey tries to cheer Biff up

129. There Was No Joy in Lake Point

Slowly Swapping: Zoe's Good At Golf

avatar on 2016-10-06 14:51:29

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Zoe raised her arms behind her and then brought the club swinging down striking the ball.

"Shot!" Richard shouted as he watched the ball fly. Zoe followed it as well and then gave a little smile as it landed on the green near the hole. Zoe picked up her tee and then she and Richard and Mark headed towards the green with their bags.

Considering that Zoe had never played golf before she seemed to be quite talented at it. Out of the three of them Zoe would say that she was probably the best and she seemed to be really enjoying it.

As they walked they chatted business. Well Richard and Mark chatted business, Zoe just listened. It seemed that Richard and Mark were members of the board at some company. Richard it turned out was the chairman of the board.

They had reached Mark's ball. Zoe and Richard stood behind him as they watched him take his swing.

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