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143. One last change for Linda

142. Guest Room

141. It's too late

140. Gary Plays It Cool

139. Biff's dad gets a shock

138. At the airport

137. An Outsider

136. Every Time It Seems

135. Jon and Karyn are alone

134. Sarah and Zoe

133. Just Like One of the Family

132. Zoe's feeling better

131. Invitation to dinner

130. Mikey tries to cheer Biff up

129. There Was No Joy in Lake Point

128. Mikey's in charge

127. Bonding

126. Sarah's at the game too

125. Confrontation at the game

124. Linda Leaves Them Alone

Slowly Swapping: One Last Change For Linda

avatar on 2016-10-05 15:13:23

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The next day Linda woke up to discover something that shocked her. Her hair had been switched with Roger's. As Linda reached up to feel her new short brown hair cut she realised that this was the last swap between them.

Roger stirred next to her. "Hmmm, morning honey" he said sitting up.

"Morning" Linda replied a little distracted.

"Are you OK honey?" Roger asked.

"Yeah" Linda replied. She turned to face him. "You don't notice anything different do you?" She asked.

"No. Should I?"

"I guess not" Linda replied. Why should change be any different? Linda got out of bed and headed to the shower idly scratching her butt.

Meanwhile Roger put on his pink bathrobe and headed downstairs to make breakfast.

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